Munds Mountain Overlook Apr 17

A nine-mile hike with 2000 ft of elevation gain, starting from the top of Schnebly Hill Rd, to the overlook above Sedona's east side
P4200001   MUNDS MOUNTAIN OVERLOOK Because of the deteriorated condition of Schnebly Hill Road, we all had to go to the trailhead in Jeeps P4200005   First, we take the long diagonal traverse up to the Munds Mountain saddle. This was once the wagon road to Flagstaff. P4200006   Views of Uptown and the Chapel area open up as we climb P4200007
P4200008 P4200011   On the saddle... P4200012 P4200013
P4200015 P4200016 tonemapped P4200017 P4200018
P4200019 P4200020 P4200022 P4200023
P4200024   The intersenction of Hot Loop Trail to VOC P4200025   Now we climb the steepest section P4200026 P4200027   Mountain phlox
P4200028 P4200029 P4200030 P4200031
P4200032   Lupine P4200033   On the flat top of Munds mountain, a huge meadow grazed by elk P4200034   An alligator juniper P4200035   Elk grazing activity dominates this landscape. Only isolated trees and small dense woods like this remain.
P4200037 tonemapped   Approaching the front side P4200038 P4200040 P4200041
P4200042 P4200043 P4200044 P4200045   Worm burrows in sandstone
P4200046   Overlooking Submarine Rock, the Nuns, and Cathedral Rock P4200047 P4200048 tonemapped P4200049
P4200051 P4200052 P4200053 P4200054 tonemapped
P4200055 tonemapped P4200056 P4200058 P4200059   Fendlera
P4200060   Heading back... P4200061 P4200062 tonemapped P4200063
P4200066 P4200067 P4200069   A break on the ay down P4200071
P4200073 P4200074 tonemapped   On the backside of Munds, looking out over Woods Canyon P4200075   Mountain phlox P4200077   Junction of the Jacks Canyon Trail
P4200078 tonemapped   Looking over Schnebly Hill and the Hangover saddle P4200079 P4200080 tonemapped P4200081 tonemapped
P4200082   A large tree fallen on the trail P4200083 P4200084 P4200085   Back down the diagonal traverse
P4200086   Looking over Cowpies P4200087 P4200088 P4200089   And back to the Jeeps